Baby Bliss and Filmmaking Updates here in College Station!

Howdy everyone! It's been a little over 6 weeks since we welcomed our little bundle of joy into the world! We're over the moon, and being parents is an exciting journey for us! Sure, it hasn't been all rainbows and butterflies. We've faced challenges, but guess what? Those obstacles have brought us closer together as a team as we're striving to make our journey one that glorifies God.

These days, I've been on a reading frenzy, soaking up information about baby care and child rearing. There are so many methods out there, it's mind-boggling! I'm tempted to share some of my newfound knowledge here, even if it's not directly related to Gold Leader Films. Trust me; I've got plenty to dump – strong opinions and all!

But let's not stray too far from the film and storytelling realm! Here in College Station, things are rolling smoothly. Michael Dean is making progress on his animation project, and we can't wait to see the final product by next month. As for me, I've got an itch to up my filming game. I've bought some fantastic online videography courses to enhance my skills, especially since I am far more comfortable editing. I want to keep honing my craft and be a well-rounded videographer. If you are interested, I could also do a review of the courses I am taking for anyone who is interested.

Oh, and another there's a fun side project in the works! Michael Dean is crafting some short stories geared towards middle-school aged kids. How cool is that? We'd love to publish these tales, and with AI-generated art, it's more feasible than ever! We're cheering him on, although balancing this creative venture with raising our adorable little human can be a juggling act (there are only so many hours in a day). But we are trying to be a productive Christian household! Keep an eye out, dear readers, if we do publish his first book, we'll make sure you're among the first to know. Well, almost first; our family and friends might snag that honor, but right after them, this blog is where we'll spill the beans! 😊


Some Updates from College Station


Welcoming a new member to the team! (+ a few updates)